Phytotherapy Approach

Training in Phytotherapy involves rigorous study of medical sciences, diagnostic skills, pharmacy, materia medica and dietetics.

Phytotherapists are trained in the same diagnostic skills as orthodox doctors but take a more holistic approach to illness. It involves identifying the cause of the problem and treating this rather than the symptoms alone. The reason for this is that treatment or suppression of the symptoms will not rid the body of the disease itself.

Phytotherapists use their remedies to restore the balance of the body thus enabling it to mobilize its own innate healing powers.

The first consultation generally takes two hours during which the phytotherapist takes a complete medical history of the patient, examines the patient physically and takes a urine sample. Treatment is tailored to suit the individual including advice on diet and lifestyle. Healing is a matter of diet and lifestyle changes, herbs, exercise and putting measures into place to handle stress better.

Together, they restore the body's health. The second appointment usually follows in two to four weeks time to ensure that the remedy is effective. Subsequent ones occur monthly or bimonthly depending on the patient and the illness concerned.