What is Homoeopathy?

Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. This means, treating an illness with a substance that produces in a healthy person similar symptoms to those displayed by the patient who is ill.   Dr. Samuel Hahnemann founded Homoeopathy in 1790.  

He used a two- step process to prepare his medicine. He first diluted the remedy either 1:10 (D) or 1:10 0(C) in water and alcohol. After each dilution the remedy is vigorously shaken by a process called succussion - this is called “potentization”.  The higher the potency the deeper, stronger and longer lasting its action is.

Because of its high dilution Homoeopathy is:

  • safe –
  • without side effects
  • non toxic
  • non addictive or habit forming

these facts are also true for:

  • pregnant women,
  • nursing mothers
  • infants and children.

Homoeopathic Recognition

you recognise it by a letter and a number following the name of the remedy e.g. D6, C30, XM 1000