Taking Homoeopathic Remedies

Your Homoeopath has to prescribe frequency, duration and potency of the remedy to be taken.

Apart from that you have to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Take the remedy at least 20-30 min before a meal.
  2. In the morning you should take the remedy after a mouth wash with pure water.
  3. Never touch your remedy with your hands. Put the liquid, tablets or pillules onto a plastic spoon and then straight into the mouth.
  4. Homoeopathic remedies work more efficiently when allowed to dissolve under the tongue. From here the homoeopathic information is transported directly to the brain.


What could suppress or interfere with the healing action of Homoeopathic Remedies?
  1. Medication antihistamines, antidepressants, cortisone, vaccination, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs
  2. Caffeine / Teein
  3. Specific herbal products and teas esp. chamomile, fennel, garlic and onion peppermint (toothpaste, sweets and chewing gum),
  4. Camphor related products (Vicks; Puma;)
  5. Drugs - including Alcohol and Nicotine
  6. Certain homoeopathic remedies interfere with each other - you definitely have to inform your Homoeopath about each medication you are taking.


When I first took my medicine my symptoms   became worse. Is this usual or have I taken the           wrong medicine?

Despite any discomfort, in chronic diseases it is normally an indication that the medicine is working when symptoms are aggravated briefly.

Simply stop dosing while the aggravation lasts then restart treatment when it passes.

Remember, homoeopathic medicines do not suppress disease, rather they seek to eliminate it naturally.

Discontinuing Treatment

You should discontinue your Homoeopathic Treatment if...
  1. your symptoms have disappeared.
  2. you feel better - stop your medication and wait until your situation gets worse again or remains stable without feeling healthy.
  3. your symptoms get worse - contact your Homoeopath!
  4. new symptoms appear - contact your Homoeopath!